Registration Open: Phakchok Rinpoche and Tulku Migmar at Samye Hermitage New York

Samye Hermitage New York and Samye Institute are delighted to announce that registration is now open both for Tulku Migmar Tsering’s Summer Retreat Series this July, and Phakchok Rinpoche’s Annual Retreats this September, hosted by Samye Hermitage New York.

Tulku Migmar Tsering will be visiting Cooperstown for the first time since 2019,and we hope you’ll be able to connect with him during his Path of Meditation, Developing Compassion, or Trinley Nyingpo Retreat. These will be precious opportunities to deepen our meditation practice, develop greater love and compassion, and bring our sadhana practice into alignment with the most fundamental principles of the tantric tradition. The dates for joining these retreat periods are flexible, and online participation will be available.

Then in September, Phakchok Rinpoche will return to his retreat land in Cooperstown to offer a series of teachings and retreats for his North American sangha. Rinpoche will first lead a Sukhavati Retreat, with experiential teachings on phowa, the transference of consciousness at the time of death, as well as practices to connect with Buddha Amitabha’s pure realm of Sukhavati. This will be followed by a Mahamudra Retreat, with guidance on the lineage of essential meditations instructions of mahamudra in the context of Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings on the Perfection of Wisdom, as contained within the Prajnaparamita Sutra in 8000 Lines.

Please note that Rinpoche’s retreats will only be available for in-person attendance, to create a more personalized and intimate container in which Rinpoche can impart these precious teachings.

Finally, Samye Hermitage New York is still looking for volunteers to help with Tulku la and Rinpoche’s retreats. If you’re interested, please fill-out or share this volunteer sign-up form.