
  • Retreat Room (Shared) – $50.00
  • Retreat Room – $95.00

Location: Samye New York

Address: 412 Glimmerglen Road, Cooperstown, NY, USA

Email us about program

Private Retreat

Flexible Dates

Samye Hermitage New York is a sanctuary for those who wish to deepen their practice and train their minds. We encourage serious Buddhist practitioners who are studying under the guidance of an authentic teacher to apply for private retreat. After we receive your deposit, our resident teacher will review your application and reach out directly to confirm your retreat plan.

As a retreatant at our center, you can enjoy the use of our Bath House, which includes shower, toilet, and laundry facilities, as well as our Lotus Barn, which includes a kitchen, dining area, and shrine area. There is also daily group practice (generally chanted in Tibetan), as well as ongoing classes which you may wish to join, if it fits into your retreat schedule. Note that a private retreat may not be suitable during group retreat times, but we will be happy to work with you to schedule your retreat.

Please note that while our retreat rooms are available year-round (except during public programs), our retreat cabin and shrine hall rooms are not heated therefore suitable for seasonal use only.

Samye Hermitage offers discounts for those who wish to stay over a week. Please be in touch for details.