
  • Campground – $1,890.00
  • Shrine Hall Room (Single) – $2,480.00
  • Retreat Room (Single) – $3,280.00
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Registration opens: Feb 23, 2025

Thirty-Five Day Retreat on the Trinlé Nyingpo

With Tulku Migmar Tsering

August 3 - September 6, 2025

Registration opens: Feb 23, 2025

For practitioners of the Guru Padmasambhava’s heart practice—Tukdrup Barché Kunsel (Dispeller of All Obstacles)—the Thirty-Five Day Retreat is renowned for its effectiveness in evoking the profound blessings of this practice. On Phakchok Rinpoche’s advice, Tulku Migmar Tsering will lead a select group of practitioners through this sequence of practice, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the key points of the Vajrayana, and the Trinlé Nyingpo (Essential Activity) sadhana drawn from Tukdrup Barché Kunsel in particular.


The Tukdrup Barché Kunsel was discovered by the Great Tertön Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa in the 19th century, with the support of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgön Kongtrul Lodro Thaye. The chief figure in this practice is Guru Padmsambhava, adorned by the sambhogakaya Avalokiteshvara and the dharmakaya Amitabha, and surrounded by twelve emanations. Its essential sadhana is the Trinley Nyingpo, for which Phakchok Rinpoche has kindly granted the empowerments and transmissions many times over the year in Cooperstown, and around the world.


As His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche explained:


“The Barché Kunsel is the heart essence of the accomplished master Padmasambhava, who perceives the three times in their entirety. It is the quintessence of one billion heart sadhanas of the Guru, the most unique terma buried in the land of Tibet, and it is the first among the Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana. This Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles contains in completeness all the profound key points of the view, meditation, and conduct of the Three Inner Yoga Tantras.


This pure and perfect teaching, which effortlessly bestows, in accordance with one’s wishes, the all-encompassing supreme and common siddhis, temporarily and ultimately, was an unprecedented diffusion of the gemstones of the profound meaning, like opening up the treasury of the universal monarch.”


The Tukdrup Barché Kunsel is indeed one of the most profound and widely-practiced sadhanas amongst the great Chokgyur Lingpa’s revelations, and is a practice that continues to flourish throughout the world. This summer, we invite you to connect with its immense blessings, which are as potent now as ever.


Program Details


Who is this retreat for: Those who already received the empowerments and transmission for the Tukdrup Barche Kunsel from any authentic lineage master, and who have some familiarity with Vajrayana practice in general, and the Trinley Nyingpo sadhana in particular. It is especially appropriate for those who have already diligently engaged in the four foundations (ngöndro) practice, either in individual or group settings, and who have experience in the most essential of Guru Padmasabhava’s sadhanas from this cycle, The Concise Manual for Daily Practice.


What is the format: Two group sessions and two individual sessions per day. Group sessions will be led by Tulku Migmar, who will also provide guidance and instruction on the details of the practice.


Further details to be announced when registration opens. In the meantime please e-mail [email protected] with any questions regarding this special opportunity.


Financial Support


This retreat has been priced to cover the many costs that go into organizing such a program, which includes food, labor, supplies, and, of course, time. We strive to price our retreats to cover these costs while leaving a modest amount of surplus to help us maintain our physical campus year-round. We are committed to making our program as accessible as possible, so for those who are in need of financial assistance for either the online or onsite retreat, please send a message to [email protected] to discuss how we can provide assistance.



Tulku Migmar Tsering
Tulku Migmar Tsering is a master of the Chokling New Treasures lineage of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He was born in Nubri, Nepal in 1975 and began his training at an early age after having been recognized as a reincarnate lama. Tulku Migmar began his formal education in 1983 at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Kathmandu. Through the years, Tulku Migmar proved to be an outstanding practitioner, mastering all of the elaborate vajrayana rituals and sacred arts so essential to the Chokling New Treasures tradition. Tulku-la completed a 3-year retreat under the close guidance of his root guru,…
Learn more about Tulku Migmar Tsering